Satellite Communication Viva Questions with Answers - Part 1

Q1) What is Transponder ?

Answer: Transponder is electrical device designed to receive a specific signal and automatically transmit a specific reply.

Q2) State Kepler's First Law ?

Answer: Kepler's first law of orbit:

    "It states that the path followed by the satellite around the earth will be an ellipse, with centre of the mass of earth as one of the two focus of the ellipse."

Q3) State Kepler's Second Law ?

Answer: Kepler's second law of equal area:

    "For equal time intervals, the satellite sweeps out equal area in orbital plane."

Q4) State Kepler's Third Law ?

Answer: Kepler's third law of period:

    "The square of the periodic time of orbit is proportional to the cube of the mean distance between two bodies."

Q5) Define Apogee and Perigee.


  • Apogee is the farthest point of satellite from earth.
  • Perigee is the nearest point of satellite to the earth.

    Q6) What is Satellite ?

    Answer: An object that revolve around orbit is called a satellite. A satellite can be natural, like the Moon, or man made. Satellites can travel around planets or around stars such as our Sun.

    Q7) What is function of satellite ?

    Answer: The function of the satellite is to get the information from an earth station and retransmit that information, acting as a repeater station.

    Q8) Why do we use satellite communication ?

    Answer: Satellite communication has many advantages as compared to other conventional methods of communication like wired's not feasible to laydown wiresto cover the entire world. Moreover if a person tries to send a message to someone in the other hemisphere then by the person, it will be heavily attenuated.Also satellite can cover large amount of area. Various applications like mapping becomes easier because of satellite.

    Q9) What is range of frequency used for satellite communication ?

    Answer: The range of frequency used for satellite communication is 1GHz to 30GHz..

    Q10) Explain the Uplink frequency.

    Answer: The frequency of signal transmitted from earth station to satellite is called as "Uplink frequency".

    Q11) Explain the Downlink frequency.

    Answer: The frequency of signal transmitted from satellite to earth station is called as "Downlink frequency".

    Q12) Why Uplink and Downlink frequency are different from each other ?

    Answer: Uplink and downlink frequency are different from each other to avoid the interference with each other.

    Q13) Define "Payload" ?

    Answer: It referrs to all equipments on-board a satelite that is dedicated to the reception, frequency conversion, signal processing and re-transmission of communication signal s, including the satellite antennas, but excluding support equipments such as physical platform/structure, power supplies and thermal control equipment.

    Q14) Define "Orbital Plane" ?

    Answer: The plane containing the centre of mass of the earth nad the velocity vector [direction of motion of satellite].

    Q15) Define Earth Station.

    Answer: Earth station communicate with satellite to convey information from user to the satellite and back from satellite to the users.

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