Satellite Communication Viva Questions

Q1) What is Transponder ?

Q2) State Kepler's First Law ?

Q3) State Kepler's Second Law ?

Q4) State Kepler's Third Law ?

Q5) Define Apogee and Perigee.

Q6) What is Satellite ?

Q7) What is function of satellite ?

Q8) Why do we use satellite communication ?

Q9) What is range of frequency used for satellite communication ?

Q10) Explain the Uplink frequency.

Q11) Explain the Downlink frequency.

Q12) Why Uplink and Downlink frequency are different from each other ?

Q13) Define "Payload" ?

Q14) Define "Orbital Plane" ?

Q15) Define Earth Station.

Q16) What is Geostationary Satellite ?

Q17) What is the radius of Earth ?

Q18) What is Satellite Period ?

Q19) What is the height of geostationary satellite orbit from surface of earth ?

Q20) What is the height of geostationary satellite orbit from center of earth ?

Q21) What are types of orbit ?

Q22) What are the different types of satellites in use today ?

Q23) What are geostationary satellites?

Q24) How many Geosynchronous satellite is needed to cover the whole earth ?

Q25) What are the types of satellite launch vehicle ?

Q26) Difference between FDM and FDMA.

Q27) What is the function of preamble and guard time in TDMA ?

Q28) What are the limitations of FDMA in satellite ?

Q29) What is VSAT ?

Q30) What is MSAT ?

Q31) Which are the frequency bands used by satellite to connect with Ground Stations or Earth Stations with the help of VSATs ?

Q32) What is the frequency range of Ku band ? What are its applications ?

Q33) Explain the range of Ka Band.

Q34) Why we prefer ku band over c band ?

Q35) What are types of orbits based on the angle of inclination ?

Q36) Why is link budget calculated ?

Q37) What are types of losses in satellite communication ?

Q38) What are the 6 orbital elements ?

Q39) What is semi-major axis and semi-minor axis ?

Q40) What is the Eccentricity ?

Q41) What is argument of perigee (ω) ?

Q42) What is right ascension of the ascending node (Ω) ?

Q43) What is Inclination ?

Q44) Why we do not use 22GHz and 63GHz frequency for ionospheric satellite communication ?

Q45) Define Eclipse.

Q46)What is Launch window ?

Q47) Explain Space-segment.

Q48) Define Elevation angle.

Q49) Define Azimuth angle.

Q50) Will the velocity of satellite in orbit remains same or it changes ?

Q51) What is Polar orbit ?

Q52) Conditions for launching pad (Launchnig station) ?

Q53) What are the types of satellite stabilization ?.

Q54) What is spin stabilization ?

Q55) What three-axis stabilization stabilization ?

Q56) What is the Laser satellite communications ?

Q57) What is the Isotropic antenna ?

Q58) Define Frequency-Reuse.

Q59) Define Antenna Gain.

Q60) Define Inclination.

Q61) Define Inclined Orbit.

Q62) Explain Satellite attitude.

Q63) Define Line of Apsides.

Q64) What is the difference between C/N and G/T ratios ?

Q65) What are the functions of satellite TTC (Telemetry, Tracking and Control) ?

Q66)Define "Circular Orbit" in terms of satellite communication ?

Q67) What is Intermodulation Noise ?

Q68) Exlain "DBS" in terms of satellite communication ?

Q69) Explain "DVB" ?

Q70) Define "Antenna Alignment" ?

Q71) Difference between Active and Passive satellite.

Q72) Mention different applications of a satellite.

Q73) Define Horizontal Polarization.

Q74) What is Linear Polarization

Q75) What is Circular Polarization ?

Q76) What is "TVRO" in radar ?

Q77) What is "SCPC" ?

Q78) What is Antenna Noise Temperature ?

Q79) What is meant by "High Band"?

Q80) When an Outage is said to occur?

Q81) What is sun transit outrage ?

Q82) Explain "FSS".

Q83) What do you mean by the term " Adjacent Channel Interference" ?

Q84) Define Cross-modulation.

Q85) What is Cross polar ?

Q86) Define Cross-polar-Discrimination.

Q87) What is Cross-Polar-Isolation ?

Q88) What is BEACON ?

Q89) What is RFL ? How does it get introduced ?

Q90) What is zenith and nadir ?

Q91) What is Clarke belt ?

Q92) What is "EPG" ?

Q93) What is the meaning of "Earth-Space link" ?

Q94) Define "Band Switching" ?

Q95) Define beam.

Q96) What is Bandwidth ?

Q97) What is Prograde and Retrograde ?

Q98) What is "Shaped Beam" ?

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