Wireless Sensor Network Important MCQ - WN

Q1) LEACH protocol in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) used as ______

    a) MAC protocol
    b) Routing Protocol
    c) Transport Protcol
    d) Security protocol

Q2) Sensing unit in Wireless sensor network used for ______

    a) Processing
    b) A to D Converter
    c) Storage
    d) Transceiver

Q3) Wireless sensor not uses following entity in architecture ______

    a) Processor
    b) Storage
    c) Power Unit
    d) Resource Management

Q4) The major constraint while selecting sensor network for application is ______

    a) Power Management
    b) Resource Management
    c) Mobility Management
    d) Heterogenity

Q5) In wireless sensor network Medium Access Protocol (MAC) should be ______

    a) Power aware
    b) Mobility aware
    c) Resource aware
    d) QoS aware

Q6) Which OSI layer in Wireless Sensor Network takes care to maintain flow of data ______

    a) Network layer
    b) Tranport layer
    c) Session layer
    d) Application layer

Q7) How many wires does SPI protocol use ______

    a) One
    b) Two
    c) Three
    d) Four

Q8) Which one of these is not LPWAN technologies ______

    a) SigFox
    b) WiFi
    c) NB-IoT
    d) LoRa

Q9) Fuzzy logic is form of ______

    a) Hexa state logic
    b) Two-valued logic
    c) Binary state logic
    d) Many valued logic

Q10) Which one out of these is not a data link layer technology ______

    a) Bluetooth
    b) UART
    c) WiFi
    d) HTTP

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