RF Design Viva Questions: Your Ultimate Guide for Examinations

1. Compare the Butterworth filter with the Chebyshev filter.
2. What are the steps for designing Chebyshev filter?
3. What is a maximally flat response filter?
4. What is equally ripple filter?
5. What is the composite filter?
6. Define Impedance Scaling & Frequency Scaling.
7. What are various types of Mixers?
8. What are FET mixers?
9. What are the types of Frequency Synthesizers?
10. What is Insertion Loss?
11. What are the different types of Insertion Loss methods?
12. What is Oscillator and why it is used in RF Filters?
13. What is the use of an oscillator in RF?
14. What are the examples of a Tuned frequency oscillator?
15. Explain Grounding & Shielding.
16. What are the Image Parameters to design filters?
17. Differentiate EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) and EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility).
18. What is Frequency Modulation?
19. What are the different types of charts used in RF Design?
20. Explain Ground Loop Technique.
21. What is an amplifier?
22. What are the types of Power Amplifiers?
23. What are the characteristics of a Power Amplifier?
24. What is Transmission Coefficient(Formula)?
25. Explain Hybrid Grounding.
26. Explain Richard's Transformation.
27. What is Two-port power gain stability?
28. What are the Helical antenna, Horn antenna, and Loop antenna.
29. List various EMI sources.
30. List out the name of the practicals performed.
31. Draw the High Pass filter circuit diagram and waveform.
32. What are the parameters to design Butterworth filter?

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