Microwave Engineering Sem 7 EXTC MU Question Paper Jan 2021

Q1] MCQ based Paper: 40 marks

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Q2] 20 Marks

A) Solve any Two: 5 marks each

i. Explain different modes in Gunn diode.

ii. Explain the operation of 2-hole directional coupler with the help of S-matrix.

iii. Explain Impedance measurement technique in microwave. 

B) Solve any One: 10 marks each

i. An air filled circular waveguide having an inner radius of 1 cm is excited in the dominant mode at 10 GHz.
Find: (a) The cut off frequency of the dominant mode
(b) Guide wavelength
(c) Wave impedance.
Find the bandwidth for operation in dominant mode only.

ii. Derive equation for phase velocity, cut off frequency, cut off wavelength and field equation for rectangular waveguide.

Q3] 20 Marks

A) Solve any Two: 5 marks each

i.Describe operation of Isolator using Faraday's rotation principle.

ii. Explain the Physical Construction of TWT.

iii. Significance of RWH theory in Gunn diode.

B) Solve any One: 10 marks each

i. Why is phase focusing required in magnetron? What is back heating? How can it be controlled?

ii. A travelling wave tube has following characteristics Beam voltage Vo = 3kV, Beam current 10 mA, frequency f = 8.5 GHz, Circuit length N=42, Characteristic lance = 120Ω.
Determine (a) A gain parameter
(b) Power gain
(c) All four propagation constants.

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